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Draught Proofing Specialists

Draught Proofing

All homeowners want to reduce their energy consumption costs. One such way in which this can be accomplished is draught proofing the home. Depending on the location, the size of the home, and other variables, costs are obviously going to vary. But, if you are searching for a simplistic way in which to reduce energy consumption bills, to keep your home comfortable (in both summer and winter seasons), and don’t want to do too much work in order to accomplish this, draught proofing is a solution to your problems.

What is draught proofing?

In short, it is one of the easiest, and cheapest ways to preserve energy, in any home or building setting. Whether in a commercial property, or in the home, you can easily reduce your energy bills by draught proofing the structure in question. The controlled ventilation system is going to help reduce condensation build up in your HVAC system, as it allows fresh air in when it is needed. Draughts let too much air in, and this is where draught proofing is going to be an effective solution, so your home will strike an even balance of air in/out.

How do you draught proof a home/building?

Draught proofing is simply a matter of covering up gaps throughout the property. This can be below and above doors, near windows, and other corners in the home, where air seeps in, even when your windows or doors are closed. By saving the warm air, you will maintain warmer temperatures and preserve energy consumption. And, by letting more cold air flow freely, during the warmer months, you don’t have to rely on your air conditioning unit as much, in order to keep your home comfortable on warmer days of the year.

Is draught proofing worth the cost savings?

Yes. In fact, you can save about £25-£35 per year, by simply covering up those gaps around the doors and windows. So, after one to two years, the price you pay a contractor or tradesman to perform the draught proofing, is going to pay for itself. The simple fact that you are going to be saving each month of the year, and are paying such a low price to have your property draught proofed, makes it one of the most cost-effective solutions available to home and business owners, when it comes to energy and consumption saving.

Cost of draught proofing

It is well worth paying a professional to draught proof your home; depending on your location and size of the property, prices can run between £80-£300 for the entire home. And, the company you hire is going to check all areas of the home for air entry/escape. They will check floor boards and skiring boards, old extractor fans, holes or cracks in the wall, and pipework. Licensed professionals are also going to check for air entry/escape around the loft hatch, chimney entry/exit, doors, windows, around a fireplace, basement or attic, areas with open flues, and rooms where condensation is heavily present.

The simple fact that licensed technicians know which areas to check, and will draught proof all areas where there is the possibility of air entry/escape, is worth paying to have the services performed. And, since these professionals can do the work in a fraction of the time it would take for you to do yourself, it is worth paying them for the labour, rather than attempting a DIY draught proofing of your home.

Who to hire for draught proofing

Of course, you want to hire a company which specializes in this type of labour and services. So, comparing a few of the best local companies, their pricing, and guarantees, are some ways you will go about finding the very best specialist to do this project throughout your home. To save you time and effort, myjobquote.co.uk is the easiest place to go, so you can compare the best local contractors for draught proofing. In addition to bringing the professionals to you, the site only lists licensed and certified professionals; and, they are going to contact you directly, so you do not have to go out looking for a service provider.

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