ECS Card – Everything You Need to Know

By Julia
Last updated 12th March 2025 - Reading time: 17 mins

If you work in the electrotechnical field and are employed on a construction site, then your employer will ask you to produce your ECS card. To obtain an ECS card, you must meet specific ECS card requirements, including relevant qualifications, proof of industry experience, and passing the HS&E assessment.

Our guide tells you everything about how to get an ECS card, including the type of ECS card you need, how to apply or renew, and the costs involved.. You’ll also find information about the HS&E assessment, which you need to have before you can get a card.

Let’s Get Started…

man wiring switch

What is an ECS Card?

The ECS card is for people working in the electrical sector. It demonstrates your ID, qualifications and skills.

The card confirms that you have reached industry standards as an electrician. It is unlikely that you will be allowed to work on a construction card without an ECS card.

To obtain an ECS card, you need to take a health & safety test, so having the card also confirms to employers that you are aware of health & safety rules and regulations on site.

man testing unit

Previously, the ECS card was known as a JIB card, and many people still use this term. If you are asked to produce a JIB card, the employer is actually referring to an ECS card.

In England, Northern Ireland and Wales, you can apply for an ECS card or take an online HS&E assessment through the official ECS website. In Scotland, the application process is available through the Scottish JIB website where you’ll find the application process is the same as the ECS website.

What Types of ECS Cards are Available?

There are various ESC card types of ECS cards, and they are awarded according to your occupation and skill level. You must meet the ESC CARD requirements and supply evidence of your qualifications before you are issued with a card.

The main types of ECS cards available are:

Pre-Apprentice Card

This is a temporary card issued to potential apprentices. It allows the person to spend a probation period working onsite so that a potential employer can assess the person before they are offered an apprenticeship. The card is valid for 12 months. It is not renewable.

Apprentice Card

An Apprentice card allows apprentices to work onsite during a period of hands-on training. If the training provider’s apprentices are JIB-registered, then various cards are issued during the progression of the apprenticeship. Once the apprentice has successfully completed the course, they will take the HS&E assessment, and if they pass, a gold card is issued.

two men wiring sockets

JIB stands for Joint Industry Board and is an organisation that sets standards for employment and training for people in the electrotechnical sector.

Pathways to an Apprentice Card

Students need to provide a copy of their training agreement and have passed the HS&E assessment.

Trainee Card

The Trainee card is for people who are registered with a JIB training programme, which will lead to a gold card. Sometimes, apprentices are issued with this card if their employers want to recognise that the trainee has additional experience. The card is valid for two years.

Pathway to Trainee Card

Applicants must be undertaking a formal industry training programme that will lead to a gold card. They must also have passed the HS&E assessment and be able to provide the documents required according to the trainee level. There are 3 levels, and each one must present your employer’s sponsorship and a qualification from the list supplied by the ECS.

Industry Placement Card

The Industry Placement card was previously known as Work Experience. It is issued to trainees who are studying an electrotechnical course registered with the JIB. The card enables the trainee to undertake work experience onsite as part of their course. Students with this card are those who are studying for a T-Level qualification. The card is valid for three years.

Pathways to Industry Placement Card

Only JIB-registered providers can obtain this card for their students. The training provider must confirm that any pre-work training has been successfully completed, and the student will need to have passed the HS&E assessment.

Electrical Labourer

If you work in a role that supports a qualified electrician, this card demonstrates your ability to assist in tasks that require unskilled labour, such as the installation of cables. This card can be upgraded to a gold card if you gain the necessary qualifications at a later date.

Pathways to an Electrical Labourer Card

You will be eligible for an Electrical Labourer card if you already hold a JIB-approved electrical theory qualification. You also need to pass the HS&E assessment.

If you don’t have an electrical theory qualification, then you will need to complete one of the approved health and safety qualifications or assessments listed on the Electrical Labourer card page on the ECS website.

You will also need to sit the HS&E assessment unless you have completed an eligible course during the past 3 years. Finally, you will need proof of engagement in the electrotechnical industry, which could be in the form of a signed letter from your employer or a payslip.

Experienced Worker Card

An experienced worker card is valid for 18 months to enable an electrical worker to gain the qualifications required for a gold card. Normally, holders of this card have a recognised Level 3 technical certificate. To obtain a gold card, you will need to study for a qualification such as the NVQ Level 3.

If you are already registered with a training provider in order to complete an Experienced Worker Assessment, your card will have a gold stripe.

Pathway to an Experienced Worker Card

You must hold a JIB recognised Level 3 electrotechnical qualification and hold a current HS&E assessment.

Gold Card

Once you have qualified for a Level 3 NVQ and you have demonstrated your ability to work unsupervised, you will be entitled to a gold ECS card. The card is issued to electricians working in sectors that include:

  • Installation
  • Maintenance
  • Domestic
  • Engineering Maintenance
  • Marine Installation and Maintenance
  • Auto
  • Radio and Television

Pathways to a Gold Card

There are two ways to obtain a gold card. The first way is for you to hold an NVQ Level 3 standard or equivalent qualification from an industry-recognised training scheme. You must provide proof of your qualifications if they were obtained a long time ago.

The second way you can obtain a gold card is if you have been working in the industry for a long time but have never taken any formal qualifications. In this case, you can take the Electrotechnical Experienced Worker Assessment to gain a Level 3 standard. You can then apply for a gold card.

Black Card

The ECS black card is issued to people who are working in managerial positions within the electrotechnical sector. The occupations that the black card covers are:

  • Contract Manager
  • Site Manager
  • Electrical Contract Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Electrical Site Manager

Pathways to a Black ECS Card

You will be entitled to a black card if you already have a gold card or if you meet the requirements to have one. You will also need a Level 4 (or above) Health & Safety qualification.

Another route to getting a black card is if you have a Level 4 (or above) qualification such as a Management diploma, degree or BTEC.

If you completed an ECS HS&E assessment within the past 3 years, you don’t need to take another one. If your assessment was taken more than 3 years previously, then you will need to do the HS&E course again.

How to Apply for an ECS Card – The ESC Card Application

multimeter and crimps

Wondering how to get an ECS card? You can apply either online through the ECS website or by post, following these steps:

How to Get an ECS Card

  • Register for a My ECS account. This will take you through to your individual dashboard. First of all, select the Apply For A New Card button and choose your card option. Make sure your personal details are correct and that you have uploaded a recent photograph. Click on the Next Step button.
  • This page is where you list your qualifications, confirm you have completed the HS&E Assessment and upload any relevant documents. To upload documents, you must first click on the green +Add Another button. You then have the choice of whether to upload automatically or manually.

    For automatic uploads, click the green button, select a file from your device and click on the green Upload button. Click the green button near the bottom of the screen to add more than one document.

    If you choose to upload your documents manually, click on the blue button, choose the qualification or awarding body from the dropdown list, and then start typing in the title of your document, which should appear on a dropdown list.

    Your next task is to select the relevant box for the HS&E assessment information. You can select the option to take the test online when you have completed your application.

    The last task is to upload your Photo Endorsement Form. You’ll find this in the Identity Verification section. Check that all relevant documents have been uploaded before you press the Next Step green button.
  • You will now come to the Occupation and Grading Section. This is where you use the dropdown menu to confirm your discipline type, main occupation and (if applicable) your grade. You might also see a question asking if you would like to opt in or opt out of the Registered Electricians Scheme. When you’ve answered this question, press the green Next Step button.
  • This section asks you to select your preferred communication preferences. Once this is done, click on the blue Finalise and Review button.

    Pressing the finalise and review button will take you back to your dashboard. You now have the opportunity to revise all the information you have provided to make sure there are no mistakes. You can go back to each step if you need to make corrections. Click the blue Finalise Now button.
  • You will now see a Final Confirmation page with a summary. You will need to click the Declaration Box to confirm you understand the agreement. Next, click the Pay Now button or opt to take the HS&E assessment.

    You have now applied for your ECS card, which should be processed and sent out to you within 4 weeks.

Postal Applications

If you prefer to send off your application using the postal service, you will need to download the card application form, fill it in, enclose the relevant documents and send it off to ECS at ECS Administration, PO Box 127, Swanley, BR8 9BH. Postal applications cost £10 more than you’ll pay if you register with the MyECS portal.

ECS Card Costs

The cost of an ECS card is listed in the chart below. If you are a JIB member, then you are entitled to a discount or a free initial grade card.

Type of Card Current Fee (March 2025) including VAT
Initial Card Without JIB Membership £55.80
Replacement or Renewal of Card Without JIB Membership FREE
Initial Card For Site Support, ECS Manager, Related Discipline Card With JIB Discount £45.00
Renewal or Replacement Card £31.20

As you can see, if you are registered as a JIB member, your initial grade card is free. Non-registered applicants will currently pay £55.80.


There is also a discount available for card renewals or replacements if you are a member of the Unite union:

Type of Card Current Fee (March 2025) including VAT
Renewal/Replacement £25.00

If you are unable to present your application online, then you can apply on a standard paper application, which you send through the post. However, an administrative fee of £10 plus VAT will be added to the cost of an initial card and replacement or renewal:

Type of Card Current Fee (March 2025) including VAT
Initial Card £67.80
Renewal/Replacement Card £57.00

ECS Card Renewal & Upgrading

Most card types are valid for three years. Some cards can’t be renewed, such as Trainee cards.

man wiring ceiling light

Gold cardholders will have to renew their cards every 3 years. You should apply to renew the card if you have less than 3 months before its expiry. You can apply for a renewal through your MYECS portal. These are the steps you should follow:

  • Confirm that you have passed the HS&E assessment within the past 2 years. If you haven’t done so, you will need to take the test again, which you can do online through the ECS website. If you have an up-to-date assessment, it will be registered on your MYECS account.
  • If you have gained any additional qualifications since your last card was issued, you can now add these to your new card.
  • As long as you have confirmation of your HS&E assessment, you can then finalise the procedure and make the appropriate payment. If you are not a JIB member, the cost for a card renewal is currently £45. If you are a registered JIB member, you’ll have a discount, and the cost will be £31.20.

    If you need to make changes to your card, you can do this by ordering a replacement or waiting until the card is due for renewal and then adding the changes.

    The types of changes you might want to make to your card include:

    - Change of occupation
    - Additional qualifications
    - Higher JIB grade

    A replacement or renewal costs £45 if you are not JIB-registered and £31.20 if you are JIB-registered.

ECS Health, Safety & Environmental (HS&E) Assessment

You cannot get an ECS card without having a Health, Safety and Environmental certification (HS&E) or an exemption because you already hold an equivalent or higher-level certificate. You can check to see if your qualification entitles you to an exemption on the ECS website.

It’s important because the assessment demonstrates that you understand workplace health, safety and environmental standards.

electricians tools

The assessment is valid for 2 years, and you can take it online through the ECS website or at a test centre, which you can find through the citb website or through Unite the Union website which has locations in various parts of the UK including London, Liverpool, Bradford and Birmingham. There are also locations in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The test consists of 50 multiple-choice questions. You must correctly answer at least 43 questions to pass the test. The questions are selected randomly from 300 questions. You can see the questions by downloading the ECS free revision guide available from ECS.

The questions are taken from eleven topics, and each topic has between 3 and 9 questions. You can see the topics and find out the number of questions on the Preparation and Revision page of the ESC website. The ECS recommend that the booklet be downloaded at least 10 days before you take the exam so that you have time to study.

The online test through the ECS website uses remote invigilation. If you are using your own computer, you will need to make sure you have an internet connection, a webcam, and an up-to-date version of Windows and Chrome or MS Edge as a browser.

You must also have a photo ID, such as a driver's license or passport, to hand. It is important to ensure you have your webcam and redirects enabled on your web browser. You can read more about how to enable your webcam and allow redirects by reading the ECS online access leaflet.

You can pay for and access the exam through your MyECS portal. The cost for the assessment is £46.50 if you’re not registered as a JIB member and £31 if you are a JIB member.

ECS Card vs. Other Certification Schemes

The most common form of certification for people working on a construction site is the CSCS card. This card provides the same information as an ECS card: ID, occupation and qualifications.

electrician wiring

CSCS cards cover many different occupations, including bricklayers, carpenters and engineering surveyors. However, if you are working specifically within the electrical industry, then you should have an ECS card.

If you are asked for a CSCS card, it is likely that the person needs your ECS card. You don’t need both.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Common issues that occur are the delay or rejection of an application. Rejections usually occur because you don’t meet the requirements for a card. Another reason for a card rejection could be that you don’t have the HS&E test.

If you take the test and fail it, you can resit it at any time. You don’t need to wait for a time limit before you can resit the exam.

Delays commonly happen because the documents you need to attach to your application aren’t the right ones, you have sent the wrong payment, or the details haven’t been filled out correctly. It’s also important to make sure your photo is uploaded correctly. It needs to meet the same requirements as a passport photo. It should be:

  • In colour
  • Have a plain background
  • Framed as a close-up photograph of your head and shoulders with you looking straight at the camera with eyes open and mouth closed
  • Your photograph will also need to be endorsed by your employer, a union official, an officer at JobCentre Plus or an MP, Solicitor or Judge

Reading through your application before you send it off should make sure you catch any errors that could cause a delay.

online documents

If you think you have been sent the wrong type of card, you can make an official complaint in writing. Your complaint should be dealt with within 20 working days. If you are not satisfied with the result, you can then write to the CEO/Chair of the JIB. You can find the form to fill in and full details of how to make a complaint in the ECS/JIB Complaints Policy


  • Use the ECS website to obtain your trade card
  • Register with MyECS if you want to use their online portal
  • Make sure you have all the relevant documents
  • Take an HS&E assessment if you don’t have it

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Who needs an ESC card?

If you are qualified to work in the electrotechnical field, you will need an ECS card if you want to work on a construction site either as an employed or self-employed worker.

How long does it take to get an ECS card?

The average amount of time it takes to process and issue an ECS card is around 4 weeks. Delays can occur if applicants haven’t supplied the correct supporting documents or completed the application form correctly.

Is it easy to replace a lost or damaged card?

You can get a replacement card if it has more than 3 months left to run. If the lost or damaged card is less than 3 months from the expiry date, you will have to apply for a card renewal. You can do this online through the ECS website.

How long is an ESC card valid?

Most ESC cards are valid for 3 years. However, cards for apprentices and trainees are only valid for 2 years, and experienced worker cards are valid for 18 months.

Do I need to take another HS&E assessment when I renew my card?

That depends. When you renew your ECS card, the HS&E assessment needs to have been taken within the last 2 years. If you fit that criteria, then you won’t need to resist the HS&E assessment.

If the test was taken more than two years before your renewal, you will need to take the test again.


Last updated by MyJobQuote on 12th March 2025.
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