uPVC door handle won't lift up

The handle on my uPVC door should lift to lock, but it only moves a small way. Has something inside broken?

Asked by Luke on 21st Mar 2023
Expert Trade Answers
"First of all try lifting the handle and locking the door with the door open. If it locks/unlocks ok then it is not the mechanism or cylinder but will be the door out of alignment"
Answered on 21st Mar 2023 - Member since Dec 2022 - report
"Based on the information provided, it is possible that there is an issue with the locking mechanism inside your uPVC door. The handle should lift fully to engage the locking points in the door frame, and if it is only moving a small way, it suggests that the mechanism is not functioning as it should.

There are a number of potential causes for this type of problem. It may be that a component inside the locking mechanism has become damaged or worn over time, preventing the handle from operating correctly. Alternatively, there could be an issue with the alignment of the door itself, which may be causing the locking points to fail to engage properly.

I would recommend contacting a professional locksmith who can inspect your uPVC door and determine the root cause of the problem. They will be able to provide you with expert advice on the best course of action to take, and may be able to repair or replace any damaged components to restore the proper functioning of your door.

It is important to address issues with your uPVC door locking mechanism promptly, as a faulty lock can compromise the security of your property and increase the risk of break-ins."
Answered on 21st Mar 2023 - Member since Feb 2021 - report
"When the door is opened and you try to lift up the handle, then the gearbox has failed and you need to get a locksmith to change the gearbox or a full unit.
If the handle goes all the way up then you need a locksmith to adjust your keep."
Answered on 21st Mar 2023 - Member since Dec 2018 - report
"Hi I'm stevie it's hard to tell without seeing the lock mechanism but the doors my just need realignment"
Answered on 22nd Mar 2023 - Member since Sep 2022 - report
"yes something in your centre lock has broken it may be possible to replace the centre case though not all can be"
Answered on 23rd Apr 2023 - Member since Aug 2019 - report
"Yuup, inside the door you have a gearbox with cogs etc, if there's resistance with the door ie it's not aligned properly or has dropped or warped then forcing the handle can cause premature failure of the gearbox, they do generally wear out after twenty years or so. They can be replaced, any locksmith can do this."
Answered on 21st Mar 2023 - Member since Jun 2021 - report
"It could be that the door has dropped causing the lock not to latch or could maybe be something broken inside the lock causing the issue."
Answered on 21st Mar 2023 - Member since Mar 2023 - report
"There is a possibility that something has broken with the mechanism or spindle got some obstruction due to door being closed with force. Hence way handle is not lifting up."
Answered on 21st Mar 2023 - Member since Mar 2023 - report
"This could be due to the mechanism seizing up or it could have a broken component inside it."
Answered on 21st Mar 2023 - Member since Jan 2023 - report
"Possibly a faulty gearbox, usually there are signs of it starting to fail for example , door hard to open or close and door not closing smoothly."
Answered on 24th Apr 2023 - Member since Mar 2023 - report
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