Subsidence causes

Can subsidence be caused by a failing or damaged drain. How can I tell if it is a drain that is at fault or something else. Also, if it is due to the drainage, how is the property made stable.

Asked by Janet on 1st Jul 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"Yes, subsidence can indeed be caused by a failing or damaged drain, as leaks from broken pipes can wash away or soften the soil beneath your property, leading to ground movement. To determine if a drain is at fault, look for signs such as damp patches, unusual smells, or slow drainage, and consider a CCTV drain survey to identify any issues. If drainage is confirmed as the cause, the first step is to repair or replace the damaged pipes. Once the leak is fixed, a structural engineer may recommend underpinning or other stabilisation methods to support the foundation and prevent further movement."
Answered on 30th Aug 2024 - Member since Aug 2024 - report
"Drainage cctv will be the answer and if that is the cause.

The property would need under pinning"
Answered on 1st Jul 2024 - Member since Apr 2020 - report
"Good afternoon, damaged drainage can make subsistence happen your would need a drainage survey which we can do to locate any defects on the near by drainage if not caused my drainage depending on the subsidence there are number of things that could be done to prevent it happening any more

Thanks Ryan"
Answered on 1st Jul 2024 - Member since Jan 2024 - report
"Yes subsidence can be caused by a failed drain. Storm or sewer. Usually due to collapse, or break. Replace or repair. Replace lost ground with concrete surround, if close to property affected."
Answered on 1st Jul 2024 - Member since Apr 2024 - report
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