Stiff new door lock

Why would my new lock be very stiff to turn with the key it's brand new

Asked by Leslie on 9th Aug 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"could be the bar what is attached tk the cylinder is to long or the lock isnt fitted properly"
Answered on 9th Aug 2024 - Member since Aug 2023 - report
"door may need adjusting ,so that the bolt goes into the keep easier"
Answered on 4th Sep 2024 - Member since Aug 2024 - report
"Depending on the lock type: if it’s a rim lock (yale type) the tail piece may be too long, binding against lock case.
The door could be slightly warped / lock not fitted well- bolt friction against striking plate? Many reasons for your issue, a photo or video will help diagnose your issue. Cheers John"
Answered on 7th Sep 2024 - Member since Feb 2024 - report
"Most likely the door is misaligned and the locking bolt is catching on the keeps ..making it hard to turn with key when door is closed.. if it’s the same when door is open then the lock may not have been fitted properly.."
Answered on 9th Aug 2024 - Member since Jul 2023 - report
"Wrong fitting. That is 1st come out my head. And look out for your gear box."
Answered on 9th Aug 2024 - Member since Jul 2024 - report
"Typically miss alignment of the hinges or locking mechanism. However if these were OK before the replacement I would suggest an issue with the new lock."
Answered on 9th Aug 2024 - Member since Jun 2024 - report
"Just needs something to loosen it up …
If it’s new why’s it so stiff ?had it had much use ?"
Answered on 9th Aug 2024 - Member since Feb 2023 - report
"I assume you mean its already fitted but is just stiff to turn the key . If it doesnt turn easily then its likely been fitted incorrectly ."
Answered on 10th Aug 2024 - Member since Apr 2020 - report
"Could be other issue(s) door having dropped may need adjustment and possibility a service.

Hope thus helps?"
Answered on 10th Aug 2024 - Member since May 2024 - report
"Maybe the door needs adjusting! Or the lock wasn’t fitted correctly."
Answered on 28th Aug 2024 - Member since Jul 2024 - report
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