Roof extension issue

My neighbour is having an extension and just noticed that part of their ridge roof and flashing is sitting on the edge of my flat roof. Is this allowed or do I need to be having words with them?

Asked by Glenn on 20th Jun 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"Can you upload a photo of this please and I can give you a better explanation as to why you may feel this is not correct."
Answered on 21st Jun 2024 - Member since Jun 2024 - report
"If the ridge tiles are on your side it is wrong and you should ask them to remove the tiles."
Answered on 21st Jun 2024 - Member since Jun 2024 - report
"They should talk to you about the work if it affects your property"
Answered on 21st Jun 2024 - Member since Mar 2023 - report
"Yes, it would definitely be advisable to have a word with them in regards to it being your roof. You want your roof to be safe and as much debris off it as possible so my professional opinion I would definitely have a word with your neighbour."
Answered on 24th Jun 2024 - Member since May 2024 - report
"This would not be allowed, without the permission of the owner of the existing building they are attatching the extension to, also any changes they make when doing the extension to your property, you can take legal actions to ammend the poor work made."
Answered on 24th Jun 2024 - Member since Feb 2024 - report
"Yes that's OK in order to protect the join of the two properties. There is no magic wand to make a seamless joint"
Answered on 24th Jun 2024 - Member since Jul 2023 - report
"If any of there extension is on part of your property this would be unacceptable unless you give them permission.. work will not be signed off by building control."
Answered on 20th Jun 2024 - Member since Jun 2024 - report
"Hello Glenn , in my opinion the first and most ideal thing to do is to check if there is any visible signs of potential damage of them doing so , if the ridges and flashing that has been placed is not on your neighbours side of the property and you could prove that to them it should be an easy solution which probably should have been done in the first place but no it is not allowed especially without any discussion with the owner (yourself)
, I’m not one to knock on peoples work but it was most likely done out of laziness from what I can gather, I would just have a general conversation with the neighbour about it to see if they could get the builders back to help sort out your problem
Hope this helps

TLC roofing"
Answered on 20th Jun 2024 - Member since Mar 2024 - report
"If it is needed to make the roof water tight then it benifits you both so it’s fine."
Answered on 20th Jun 2024 - Member since Nov 2021 - report
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