When I had painted the first coat onto kitchen walls, I noticed that the paint on one wall wasn’t adhering properly and it had some marks which looked suspiciously like water marks. I think we have ruled out the possibility of the flat being damp, but it looks like there may have been a historic problem. Anyway, on the first coat some of the paint came away on the roller and then when trying to sort a crack, huge chunks of the paint fell away revealing the plaster underneath. I used a pallet knife to pull away the loose paint (pretty much the whole wall). Where do I go from here? My thought is to sand the wall down to get the patches of paint as smooth as possible and then use a peel stop primer (I’ve got the Zinnser one) and then mist coat as I would with a bare plaster wall? My other option would be to use a paint stripper to get the whole wall back to plaster but I don’t really want to go down that route!
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