Reasonable date rate

So I am currently pricing up a job . I'm just wondering if a day rate of £300 for me as a tiler and a labourer is an acceptable price. The job itself is literally on a small island over a rickety bridge with only foot access to the property. The job includes 2 slate floor and a full wet room with envelope floor and tiled upstands. There's 11 meters of slate and the wet room is a mixture of porcelain and tiny ceramics on the walls

Asked by Grace on 24th Sep 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"This is a reasonable price in these circumstances , not anybody can do what is involved in this job by the sound of it"
Answered on 8th Oct 2024 - Member since Sep 2024 - report
"The current rate for a tiler is £350 day rate or £50 per metre"
Answered on 25th Sep 2024 - Member since Feb 2020 - report
"I also think you are slightly cutting yourself on day rate. Individually i charge £280 per day and then plus what ever you pay your labourer on skillset i guess. Us traders have to keep to reasonable rates to cover insurances and business costs. It's not a wise choice in driving down prices to get the job and if it continued we'll be asked if we price match."
Answered on 26th Sep 2024 - Member since Aug 2024 - report
"Id say that is day a reasonable day rate that is the price I use for day rate customers are OK with that of the description of that job tho I personal would be charging more than that sound like a nightmare of a job I would defo be charging 360 400 for that."
Answered on 24th Sep 2024 - Member since May 2023 - report
"Personally think you are under-pricing yourself.

I usually charge £250-300 without a labourer.

£350 is probably a acceptable rate."
Answered on 24th Sep 2024 - Member since Jun 2024 - report
"It really depends on the wuality and what exactly is the work that has to be done"
Answered on 1st Oct 2024 - Member since Oct 2024 - report
"My standard dy rate is £330 working without a labourer, I would add extra for the inconvenience of access"
Answered on 24th Sep 2024 - Member since Apr 2016 - report
"Id say that is day a reasonable day rate that is the price I use for day rate customers are OK with that of the description of that job tho I personal would be charging more than that sound like a nightmare of a job I would defo be charging 360 400 for that.""
Answered on 29th Sep 2024 - Member since Sep 2024 - report
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