Porch Foundations

Do you require planning permission for a small entrance porch? One central door and a window either side on the front of a house.

Asked by Bianca on 5th Jul 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"Typically No as long as you follow specific requirements"
Answered on 5th Jul 2024 - Member since Jan 2024 - report
"In the United Kingdom, planning permission for a small porch depends on its size and location. Here are the key points to consider:

Permitted Development Rights (PD): Most small porches fall under permitted development rights, which means you can build them without a full planning permission application. However, there are some rules to follow:
-The porch must not exceed 3 square meters in horizontal dimensions.
-Its height should be no more than 3 meters above the ground.
-It should not be located within 2 meters of your property boundary or highway.
-Legal Confirmation: While you might think your project is covered by PD rights, it’s advisable to obtain a lawful development certificate from your local planning authority. This certificate provides legally binding confirmation that you don’t need to submit a full planning application for your porch. Without it, future owners of the house could face enforcement action if the council disagrees with the PD status of the porch.
So, for your proposed porch with a central door and windows on either side, as long as it meets the size and height criteria mentioned above, you likely won’t need planning permission. However, always check with your local council ."
Answered on 8th Jul 2024 - Member since Jun 2024 - report
"Hi you don’t need planning permission below 2.1 meters"
Answered on 5th Jul 2024 - Member since May 2024 - report
"No as long as you follow the current building regs and permission set in the current guide lines of that year. This only regulates a front porch, rear or side can be more lenient."
Answered on 9th Jul 2024 - Member since Jun 2024 - report
"No need planing permission for one meter porch if you want you can start any time"
Answered on 5th Jul 2024 - Member since Jan 2024 - report
"No as long as you stick to guidelines and build your porch at ground level"
Answered on 5th Jul 2024 - Member since Jun 2024 - report
We would need pictures of the area that you want it to advise correctly
Please feel free to contact us. John a Chaplin at g mail com"
Answered on 5th Jul 2024 - Member since Jan 2024 - report
"Hi if you remove your existing front door i.e. open up the porch to house you will need permission for thermal reasons Building control involvement.. If your existing door stays and the porch is enclosed the answers you have are correct."
Answered on 6th Jul 2024 - Member since Aug 2023 - report
"You would not need planing Permission for this. I build all sorts of extension to properties and work with building Control alot and they would not require planing premises for this work"
Answered on 11th Jul 2024 - Member since Sep 2023 - report
"Typically, you to do not need planning permission for a porch, provided it complies with the specific requirements"
Answered on 7th Jul 2024 - Member since Jul 2024 - report
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