Peeling paint on guttering

Hello, we had a section of wooden guttering replaced in January 2022. The paint or whatever was used as a covering, is now peeling along a metre or so.
Should wooden guttering need undercoating? A year seems far too soon for this to happen.

Asked by Ian on 5th Apr 2023
Expert Trade Answers
"No such thing as wooden guttering do you mean fascia board which is what the gutter would be fixed too if so it needs looking at."
Answered on 5th Apr 2023 - Member since Nov 2022 - report
"Can’t get wooden guttering only part that would be wood is the fascia board I would recommend going for the pvc"
Answered on 6th Apr 2023 - Member since Oct 2022 - report
"It could be the timber used wasn't treated I would always recommend undercoating to prevent this from happening. It could also be down to poor product been used"
Answered on 10th Apr 2023 - Member since Mar 2023 - report
"No such thing as wooden gutters,I think you are referring to the wooden fascia board what the gutters are fixed to .therefore you would have to replace wooden fascia with pvc fascia boards"
Answered on 10th Apr 2023 - Member since Apr 2023 - report
"You should never paint guttering unless it is a premium good quality gutter paint"
Answered on 24th Apr 2023 - Member since Nov 2021 - report
"Yes as it’s wooden it should have a undercoat and primer as it’s outside to the weather as you should get 5 to 7 year depending on the paint you use"
Answered on 14th Apr 2023 - Member since Apr 2023 - report
"All bare wood should have a coat of primer then undercoat and a top coat"
Answered on 5th Apr 2023 - Member since Mar 2017 - report
"The wooden fascia should not be peeling needs inspection for possible leak making timber rot and the paint peel if there's no leak then could be lack of undercoat or preparation ie sanding causing it to peel."
Answered on 15th Apr 2023 - Member since Apr 2023 - report
"Hi Ian, Wooden guttering does not sound right. Could it be the fascia? (what the guttering is fixed to?) Either way, it should not be peeling after so little time. I woul assume that they have either used non treated timber or no primed to wood correctly. :)"
Answered on 5th Apr 2023 - Member since Apr 2023 - report
"I think you mean wooden fascia paint will peel of wood especially if black paint"
Answered on 5th Apr 2023 - Member since Jan 2023 - report
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