My league rights over builder not complying to building regs

Concervotry roof replaced ntc would not pass it did not meet building regs explained to builder what needed done to correct this he’s refusing to do the work required causeing a lot of stress for us been chairing him now for 7 months what’s best to do now .

Asked by Christine on 18th Jul 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"My professional opinion is before you have any work carried out on your property always ask for a written guarantee for the work from the builder, you could also contact citizens advice and ask for some options to resolve this matter"
Answered on 18th Jul 2024 - Member since Jan 2024 - report
"Hi Christine

We can only suggest that you contact trading standards and let them persue the issue. Takes a bit of leg work off yourself. They will be able to assess and advise what your options are.
Sorry we cannot advise more as would not like to send you in the wrong direction without all the relevant information ie contract, verbal agreement etc."
Answered on 18th Jul 2024 - Member since Mar 2023 - report
"Dependant on if the design was done by an architect would place who is at fault. If the builder has completed the works to his own design and spec contact him again verbally follow this up 7 days later with a letter of intent and explain the actions your going to take ie trading standards or court action and hopefully this will allow you to come to an agreement to complete"
Answered on 7th Aug 2024 - Member since Jul 2024 - report
"Just get a new builder to replace or do what’s needed to fix the issue"
Answered on 7th Aug 2024 - Member since Aug 2024 - report
"When the job was quoted did you ask them to complete the job to building regs and were those regs passed on from a building inspector?

If you e asked for a direct repair, like for like and the original was outside of regs then there’s not.a huge amount you can. The builder should have known what was in and what was out of regs and advised accordingly but at lot depends on what was asked of them and what was committed to."
Answered on 18th Jul 2024 - Member since Jun 2024 - report
"It sounds like you're dealing with a frustrating situation with the builder not meeting building regulations for the conservatory roof replacement. If you've been trying to get him to do the necessary work for 7 months without success, it might be time to consider seeking advice from a legal professional or a relevant authority in your area. They can guide you on the best course of action to resolve the issue and ensure the work is completed correctly. It's important to address the situation to alleviate the stress you're facing."
Answered on 4th Aug 2024 - Member since Jun 2024 - report
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