Magnetic filters and pipework

Do most magnetic filters work with horizontal and vertical pipework or are they usually designed specifically for either or?

Asked by Patrick on 17th Sep 2022
Expert Trade Answers
"Hi. Every filter I’ve fitted is compatible either way."
Answered on 19th Sep 2022 - Member since Oct 2020 - report
"Yes they will work either way but always better to put it on the return pipe and close to the boiler as possible"
Answered on 17th Sep 2022 - Member since Apr 2022 - report
"Hello, most can go on vertical and horizontal pipes. On most of them, it's the orientation of the magnet chamber that's important as most use a vortex type spiral action to draw magnetic and non-magnetic imputities downwards using gravity. ie. On a Fermox Omega, or a Magnaclean, you could put the pipes various ways but the chamber must face up and down. The Omega, you can face it down whether the body is vertical, horizontal or diagonal. The other very important thing to take into account is clearances above and below for removing magnets/lids and getting a hose/bucket/bowl under when cleaning."
Answered on 18th Sep 2022 - Member since Oct 2018 - report
"Most if not all are adjustable to either or
The isolation valves rotate to accommodate both vertical and horizontal runs"
Answered on 18th Sep 2022 - Member since Nov 2020 - report
"They work with either and are also multi directional too. Best practice is to have filter fitted on return to boiler also"
Answered on 17th Sep 2022 - Member since Mar 2022 - report
"All work the same. Some have a magnet orientation but depends on filter"
Answered on 17th Sep 2022 - Member since Feb 2021 - report
"It will work on both but needs to be positioned in the correct place on the system. The return to the boiler is the best as close as possible to the boiler"
Answered on 25th Sep 2022 - Member since Jun 2022 - report
"Majority if not all are designed to work on both vertical and horizontal pipe work."
Answered on 17th Sep 2022 - Member since Feb 2022 - report
"Yes, they must be fitted on the return pipe work and be the last fitting before the heat source"
Answered on 17th Sep 2022 - Member since Nov 2016 - report
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