If heat exchanger breaks, should I replace boiler?

If the heat exchanger of my boiler has broken down, should I just replace my boiler entirely?

Asked by kashif on 20th Aug 2022
Expert Trade Answers
"How old is boiler ? Heat exchanger on a rated boiler will be dear depends what make of boiler"
Answered on 28th Aug 2022 - Member since Jun 2020 - report
"Its impossible to answer that without knowing the make , model etc as heat exchangers can vary in price quite a lot
So I will explain what I did when I diagnosed my primary heat exchanger on my Worcester Bosch. Which I can repair myself.
First thing I did was price the part .
This was very expensive even at trade price.
Second thing I did was ring Worcester bosch up and find out what their all inclusive repair cost was.
This was cheaper than it would cost me just to buy the part.

Comparing that cost with replacing the boiler was a no brained.

Bosch came out, the guy spent a good few hours on it replaced the primary heat exchanger which their call centre rep had ordered based on my advice.
He also replaced the pump which apparently wasn't turning as fast as it should and some other parts.

Ordinarily I would in most circumstances if I were not able to fix it myself always use a local independant guy, but in this case, even if I wasn't gas safe and didn't have my boiler ticket, it was a good deal.
Its still worth getting a local guy to give you a price over the phone though, always give them a chance.

So for average repairs I would use a local independant.
But in some circumstances the typically more expensive manufacturers engineers are cheaper when it comes to very expensive components.

In the world of cookers, induction units I tend to point the customers to the manufacturers.

Hope that helps"
Answered on 20th Aug 2022 - Member since Jul 2018 - report
"That all depends on the type of boiler you have . Some boiler it's cheaper to replace the the main heat exchanger and on some it's considered to be beyond economic repair."
Answered on 20th Aug 2022 - Member since Oct 2020 - report
"It would be a cheaper job in the long run as once heat exchangers go more parts will usually follow. I would replace the boiler"
Answered on 30th Aug 2022 - Member since Jun 2022 - report
"Yes, when a boiler gets to that stage, your throwing good money after bad"
Answered on 1st Dec 2022 - Member since May 2020 - report
"If it’s the main Heat Exchanger yes most probably
If it’s the Plate Heat Exchanger then no
What’s the age of the boiler"
Answered on 21st Aug 2022 - Member since Dec 2019 - report
"Depends on how old the boiler is, 8+ year I'd change whole lot but relatively new boiler I'd be looking at the part changed"
Answered on 20th Aug 2022 - Member since Apr 2022 - report
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