Fitting new doors plus hinges x6

How much would it cost to fit 6 internal doors with fittings?

Asked by Helen on 7th Aug 2020
Expert Trade Answers
"Cost to fit six inernal panel doors with furniture £150
To fit six internal solid wood doors £180
But price can be effected depending on existing door lines and how square and parallel they are"
Answered on 7th Aug 2020 - Member since Aug 2020 - report
"depending on many factors such as access, are the frames square, the sizes of the doors and type you are looking at around on a estimate basis £80 -£100 per door"
Answered on 9th Aug 2020 - Member since Mar 2020 - report
"Depends if the lining is square and plumb. You would expect £50-85 per door"
Answered on 11th Aug 2020 - Member since Jul 2020 - report
"On average it costs between £35-50 per door depending on who you get. Any price chasers do it for the lower end and the better trades charge the upper price."
Answered on 3rd Feb 2021 - Member since Nov 2020 - report
"Each door and frame Is different. Each door job (and number of doors) has to be assessed for price. The closer to the frame the door can be cut/shaped the better, as a properly fitted door may need to be taken several times to a convenient point to cut it. The weight of the door is also important, and so is the amount of cutting/planing of the door edges. Labour cost for straight forward doors, such as lightweight, cost starts at £60inc, a heavier door (oak or other hardwood) £90. Fire doors around £100 depending on smoke seals/closers. Prices within M25 likely higher. There may be adjustments needed to replace doors on existing frames. Such as existing hinge cut depths, doorstops position may need resetting, As might the strike plate position. Also thumbturn locks for bathrooms, and other types of locks can be fiddly and time-consuming. Pre-finished doors need extra time to avoid damaging factory finished surfaces. Any of the above may need an extra day spent on an average house of say 8 doors."
Answered on 17th Aug 2020 - Member since Feb 2020 - report
"It depends if they are solid or hollow core doors? Timber finish or paints finish?"
Answered on 7th Aug 2020 - Member since Jun 2020 - report
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