finishing Tyrolean render coat

So i'm trying to match the tyrolean finish as close as possible on my house. The render has been completely removed on one side of the house and scratch coat has been applied with a 3/1 ratio. I'm looking at buying some of the tyrolean mix that goes with water to try it but can it be applied directly on the scratch coat or does it need a top coat first?

If i mix my own tyrolean could i put that straight onto the scratch coat or will i need another coat either way?

I'm seeing mixed messages regarding whether it can be applied directly onto the scratch coat or if a topcoat needs to be applied.

Thanks for any advice.

Asked by Lou on 22nd Feb 2021
Expert Trade Answers
Best Answer
"You should never apply tyrolean finish to scratch coat, it needs a flat and even top coat before you apply tyrolean, thus giving it an all round flat and even finish."
Answered on 2nd Aug 2021 - Member since Mar 2019 - report
"Scratch coat devil coat then tyrolean finish especially over stone work if new blockwork one coat devil float coat then tyrolean"
Answered on 31st Mar 2021 - Member since Jan 2021 - report
"Most rendered buildings have at least 2 coats, scratch coat and a top coat. This allows an even uniformed finish to be achieved whilst also adding to the amount of protection it offers.
Tyrolean can then be applied.
The concern that you have by only applying a scratch coat is that the render may fail or crack and the finish may not be be flat or even."
Answered on 25th Feb 2021 - Member since Jul 2018 - report
"You need to render the scratch coat then tyrolean it dont use waterproof use plasticiser for more suction"
Answered on 23rd Feb 2021 - Member since Jan 2021 - report
"No you cannot apply to the scratch coat it would look terrible. And you would use so much tyrolean to cover the scratch. So you will need a top coat of render. And you will want a 4.1mix for the top coat of render. Slightly weaker than the scratch coat."
Answered on 23rd Feb 2021 - Member since Jun 2019 - report
another coat (top coat) will need to be applied over the scratch coat to a flat finish then tyrolean onto that evenly
Will need 2 coats to ensure your wall is sound and solid adding strength
Answered on 26th Mar 2025 - Member since Jan 2025 - report
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