Exterior UPVC door adjustment

I have a UPVC door which closes OK in winter (easier) and is very difficult to close in summer. This is the door mechanism not the door itself. I've had a good look around the door and its not warped, etc. seems to fit the door surround correctly, ie. not dropped, etc. To my view it seems to have been badly installed/set-up/adjusted. I cannot seem to figure out how to correct this / adjust it so it closes easily and correctly. I believe this does not require a new door, just adjustment..!! Wanting someone who can adjust this door..!! Please give a quote..!!

Asked by Alex on 16th May 2020
Expert Trade Answers
Best Answer
"Hi I will come to repair it and it will cost you £100."
Answered on 16th May 2020 - Member since Apr 2020 - report
"Hi There

Depending on the age and make of the door there should be an adjustment there some where. They are usually on the hinges somewhere but sometimes they are concealed. I could help more if I could see a photo of the door and its parts.

Kind Regards

Answered on 16th May 2020 - Member since Dec 2019 - report
"These doors have quite a lot of adjustment on the hinges, particularly flag hinges up and down and left and right to get them square in the frame. Probably just needs fine adjustment left or right to make sure that it is set in the middle of the width of the frame. This should take around 1/2 hour to do and cost around £50 for the call out. It may be under guarantee and if so the original fitter will come and sort it out."
Answered on 16th May 2020 - Member since Feb 2020 - report
"2 things one with hinges adjustments
Second with door need to tow hill with packers
After you don’t need to about opening in summer n winter
Answered on 16th May 2020 - Member since May 2020 - report
"Hi this is cos upvc expands & shrinks will change in weather and these doors are manufactured and fitted accordingly having to keep allowance for the same. I can fix this not an issue. Will be callout charges of £100.Thanks"
Answered on 5th Jun 2020 - Member since May 2020 - report
"Hi there is normally adjustment on the hinges which takes door up and over left or right. Upvc doors swell up in the heat . And drop causing the lock to hit the keeps normally meaning for needs to be toe and heeled more"
Answered on 16th May 2020 - Member since Mar 2017 - report
"£50 call out fee inc 30 mins on site to adjust"
Answered on 16th May 2020 - Member since Jul 2018 - report
"It may just need toe and heeling Correctly so then it will close correctly and not swell up in the weather"
Answered on 16th May 2020 - Member since Jan 2020 - report
"Hi Alex

We are able to do adjustments to doors with a standard call out fee. However there is a chance the door may not be able to have any adjusyments to it. Please email us some pictures of the higes and locks, along with your postcode and we will be able to confirm the cost and if the door is adjustable.

Many thanks
Nwd norfolk windows and doors"
Answered on 16th May 2020 - Member since May 2020 - report
Depends how old the door is as older doors do hit have adjustments on the hinges.
If it’s a newer door the hinges will have adjustments on the bottom of the hinge to go up or down and another adjustment to bring the door in or out to the frame.Then on the side of the hinge there is an adjustment to raise or lower the door.
Price wise adjustments on Doors start at £85

Answered on 16th May 2020 - Member since Apr 2020 - report
"Good afternoon,

UPVC dilates in heat. In UK weather will normally dilate only 1-5 mm, (in extreme heat can dilate up to 5 cm) but age of door, way of use and quality of installation also are to be considered.
If its only about slight adjustments we wouldn't charge more than £100.


Andrei Vatrici"
Answered on 16th May 2020 - Member since May 2020 - report
"Yes they can be adjusted or toe and healed

My Facebook page is just glass & UPVC

Thanks Darren"
Answered on 16th May 2020 - Member since Sep 2016 - report
"without seeing your door you should be looking no more than £75 behind the hinges there will be adjustment screws normally 4mm allen hinge cover screws will be visable when you open the door fully
hope this helps"
Answered on 16th May 2020 - Member since Mar 2020 - report
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