Estimated cost of removing loose mortar

What is an estimated cost of removing loose mortar from approx 34 ridge tiles and cover rear face only with 3:1 mix? (approx work time?)

Asked by Marcia on 28th Jun 2020
Expert Trade Answers
"Can take all off and replace with dry ridge system much better finish £700"
Answered on 28th Jun 2020 - Member since Mar 2019 - report
"The work you require costs roughly around £250 pound because it would take two people in my opinion without scaffolding, using a hook ladder would be the cheapest way. The breakdown of the work is:
Roofer £160
Labouerer £80
Sand and cement £10"
Answered on 28th Jun 2020 - Member since Jan 2020 - report
"It depends on the size of the property for scaffolding,
And weather the ridges need replacing if any are broken or break,
On top of two mans day rate for 1 day"
Answered on 28th Jun 2020 - Member since Nov 2019 - report
"1 day
Total cost £240 includes materials & labour"
Answered on 28th Jun 2020 - Member since Nov 2016 - report
"There’s actually a couple of answers,
It’s enough to be classed as a short days work so up to £200 plus a mate to pass bucket of mortar if needed, the mortar cost is minimal,
This job is v frowned upon nowadays by professionals as it’s a far better job to remove the lot and renew the mortar bed properly and guarantee the job,
Or remove the lot and fix back on a dry ridge system,
I actually saw a couple guys ‘buttering up some hips’ last week they charged the elderly couple £500 for a couple hours.
Answered on 28th Jun 2020 - Member since May 2018 - report
"Roughly a days work
Sounds like need scaffolding which price of that depends on size of it. Normally looking around 500-1200 for the labour materials ridges and scaffold."
Answered on 9th Jul 2020 - Member since Jun 2020 - report
"It would take arou nd 1 to 2 days and around 600 in labour thanks Dom dpl roofing property services ltd"
Answered on 5th Aug 2020 - Member since Feb 2019 - report
"To scrape out all the old mortar and provide all the materials to repoint the ridge tiles , I’d say around the 1000 mark no more no less."
Answered on 28th Jun 2020 - Member since Apr 2020 - report
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