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  • Thoughts on MDF cabinets?

    What are your thoughts on MDF cabinets? What are their advantages and are they worth the money in your opinion?

    Asked by Simon on 30th May 2022
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    Front control vs top control dishwasher

    When would a front control dishwasher suit better vs when a top control dishwasher would be the better option to go with in your opinion?

    Asked by Patrick on 1st Jul 2022
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    Fitting cost per unit of shake kitchen cabinets?

    How much might it cost per unit to have shaker kitchen cabinets installed, in terms of both the labour and supply costs?

    Asked by Karen on 30th May 2022
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    Is Bosch the best for dishwashers?

    Is Bosch the better dishwasher brand on the UK market?

    Asked by Adam on 1st Jul 2022
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    Thoughts on high-gloss kitchen cabinets?

    Are high-gloss kitchen cabinets a good and durable option? Are they more durable than regular kitchen cabinets? What are their pros and cons?

    Asked by Harry on 31st May 2022
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    cost of adding a cabinet kitchen island in London

    My family and I live in London and we’d like to have a cabinet kitchen island added to our kitchen. How much might this cost in terms of the supply and labour costs? We would like an average quality and average-priced product but preferably something stylish and that which will last long.

    Asked by angie on 14th Aug 2020
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    Making plinths work in a modern kitchen?

    What are some of the best and most suitable types of plinths to have installed in a modern kitchen? Where might they go and how can I make sure they "work"?

    Asked by Kelly on 31st May 2022
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    Can I get a flatpack kitchen?

    Is there such a thing as flat pack kitchens? Can I renovate a kitchen wholly with the use of flat pack items?

    Asked by Kelly on 23rd Nov 2021
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    Kitchen worktops

    Hi need new worktops supplied and fitted to replace the old a induction hob put back in and a new tap put on the sink what sort of price would i be looking at ?

    Asked by Craig on 3rd Oct 2022
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    Dishwasher machine

    Dishwasher machine door closes the light comes on but the dishwasher doesn’t start washing please help

    Asked by Ejaz on 1st Feb 2023
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