Can I paint concrete gutters?

How can I improve the aesthetics of my concrete gutters? Should I paint them? What else could I do?

Asked by Elly on 7th Jul 2021
Expert Trade Answers
"Can be painted but fot the best result I would replace and have peace of mind that the old concrete won't be causing problems in the future."
Answered on 13th Oct 2021 - Member since Oct 2021 - report
"Yes you can paint them with speclist paint but it's best to get them removed as they can cause damp and rot to joist and lintels above windows. They can also drop in places causing costly repairs be sure they are concrete first then get a facia expert to do a free observation to check to see about drops and cracks"
Answered on 7th Jul 2021 - Member since Mar 2021 - report
"A good jet wash to clean them any masonry paint will be good enough will need a couple of coats"
Answered on 7th Jul 2021 - Member since Aug 2020 - report
"Yes, why not. Before that a good inspection and proper cleaning. Now plenty of elastic paints for concreate. Drying time one hour, no chance to peal out. So good quality just quite expensive a small can around 45 pounds"
Answered on 7th Jul 2021 - Member since Feb 2020 - report
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