In short: Can dpc cream or rods be inserted in to fresh, wet mortar.
In length: I have rising damp on a connecting wall, not an exterior one. Under the house is a small crawl space. I used dry zone rods, and cream on 2 different areas, to see what's best to use. When I did it, I found the mortar was like mud. It smelt, felt and looked exactly like mud. I've found this regularly on my house. Anyway, I wanted to remove the motor and replace it with a fresh mortar line (3ft in length at most) in order to give the dryzone rods a proper surface to be in. My understanding is that because dpc cream can be inserted in a wet environment, I should be able to install it directly into the new mortar line without waiting for the mortar to cure. Is this worth it, or should I wait for the mortar to cure first?
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