Can I ask neighbour's to shorten fence?

What rights do I have to request and have my neighbour shorten their fencing? What rights do they have in this regard and when do my rights trump theirs? Does it depend on where you live, how big the property is, whether the fence infringes on my view, etc.?

Asked by Adam on 4th Dec 2020
Expert Trade Answers
"It all depends on who's fence it is most of the time it is the fence to your left which is their fence but this can be different In some cases. As to your rights if it is there fence it's their choice as to what fence they have. The only way you can reduce it is by working with them and agreeing to what you both want"
Answered on 4th Dec 2020 - Member since Sep 2020 - report
"Depending on the height of the fence. Best bet is to check your deeds. Or ask your estate agent"
Answered on 4th Dec 2020 - Member since Apr 2020 - report
"Good morning Adam,

The legal height of a fence is 6'6” or 2 meters. However, you can build or create your fence up to any height even more than 2 meters but you will have to get planning permission by the relevant UK authorities at your local land registry offices. Without their permission, you are only allowed a fence up to 6'6.

Hope this helps

Kind regards
Answered on 4th Dec 2020 - Member since Feb 2019 - report

I've done fencing. And I believe the rules are if the fence
is theirs or within their boundary. As long as it doesn't
go higher than 6ft then there isn't really anything you
can do about it.

Thanks, Matt"
Answered on 23rd Dec 2020 - Member since Dec 2020 - report
"Fences should be not higher than 2 meters, looking down the garden the fence on the left is normally yours, check the deeds fir ownership and you can always ask your neighbour"
Answered on 4th Dec 2020 - Member since Nov 2020 - report
"If the fence is over 6 foot you can shorten it if it restricts sunlight it can also be shortened"
Answered on 4th Dec 2020 - Member since Nov 2020 - report
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