Brick wall collapsed middle upwards


Woke up this morning and brick wall has collapsed from middle upwards.
Theres a tree root underneath.

Bottom bricks are solid though.

How is this possible

Asked by Peter on 7th Oct 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"Hello Peter from my exapeience the bottom bricks will be blown just may not show it clearly. If the wall is creaking and leaning away can be due to the roots moving the wall or the wall eroding away due to mortar becoming lose due to movement need a proper inspection to be sure but ultimately will need rebuilding."
Answered on 7th Oct 2024 - Member since Mar 2023 - report
"Hello there, The tree root has most likely cracked, broke or damaged the footing/ foundation of your wall. This can cause the brickwork to move or lean causing it to collapse.
Answered on 7th Oct 2024 - Member since Jun 2023 - report
"Hi Peter I hope there casualty’s involved is it possible you could send some pictures over to my person directly WhatsApp account to get this problem solved for you thanks"
Answered on 7th Oct 2024 - Member since Oct 2023 - report
"Will be as the the tree begins to grow and spread its roots there will be extra pressure on the wall and the walls weak spot will be in the middle especially if the bottom of the wall is still strong and established"
Answered on 10th Oct 2024 - Member since Sep 2021 - report
"I would take it all down and remove the roots from the tree and rebuild the wall so it doesn't happen again because if the roots are still there they can still grow so best get rid of them for good"
Answered on 11th Oct 2024 - Member since Feb 2023 - report
In most cases engineering bricks are used for the bottom courses of a wall to prevent damp moving upwards. If this was the case then the upper bricks would have cracked first as they are weaker than the engineering bricks. The root would have pushed upwards, the engineering would have retained their strength but still caused movement in the upper courses.
Hope this helps."
Answered on 17th Oct 2024 - Member since Sep 2024 - report
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