Bay window sill

Wooden interior window sill beneath bay window in upstairs bedroom has a bulge in the inside corner. The window is double glazed and secondary glazing has also been installed. The area isn't damp and the bulge is firm to the touch and doesn't move, even when I press it. Any advice on how to get this investigated and fixed would be welcomed. Thanks.

Asked by Lara on 5th Aug 2019
Expert Trade Answers
"Thanks for asking yes i would advise you call in a professional builder to look at your problem before it can get away worse and cause more damage to your property"
Answered on 19th Apr 2020 - Member since Jan 2018 - report
"Sometimes in old property, the brickwork sort of collapses a bit under bay windows. This may have been plastered over at some point or the plaster has bulged out. Unfortunately the only way to know what is going on is to remove the plaster back to the brickwork...then you’ll see."
Answered on 29th Mar 2020 - Member since Aug 2019 - report
"To see what's causing the bulge underneath removal is required. It may be from prior to the installation and not caused by the windows. If there is a strong heat source this can also cause warping/blowing."
Answered on 5th Nov 2019 - Member since Mar 2019 - report
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