advice on acclimatisng cork flooring before installation

How long should Cork flooring be left to acclimatise prior to installation? How exactly should I lay it out in terms of the number of piles, boxes, etc. and the distance between these piles to get the best results?

Asked by carole on 20th Aug 2020
Expert Trade Answers
"Manufacturers advice differs from floor to floor. To be perfectly honest i have never EVER had any problems with laying a floor the moment its been delivered or i have supplied and fitted. That being said if your worried and for piece of mind lay it flat in the room its to be laid and leave for 24 hours..

just lay them out individually that should be sufficient.

Any problems please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Maintenance Man North East"
Answered on 22nd Aug 2020 - Member since Feb 2019 - report
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