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Wheelie bin cleaning and all types of Powerwashing Works undertaken , gutter cleaning and roof clean
I’m an apprentice painter/decorator looking for any experience possible I have 6 months experience with on and off jobs
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What paint would you say is better for bathrooms? I’m choosing between Dulux Trade Diamond range and the Dulux Easycare...
Hi, I have some rips in the lining paper in a house I've just moved into. It looks like these are from command strips st...
Hi, 👋 have a garden wall and steps surrounding my patio. It’s rendered and I painted it white last year with brush, too...
If I apply a good undercoat on my doors will satinwood be a good choice as the final coat or gloss for example will it b...
I have 5 wooden saddles in my bungalow a friend painted them years ago it's a red brown colour what is the best pai...
Hi all, Recently we have had some 'noisy neighbours' move in nextdoor. The issue is the big subwoofer used daily whic...
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