Garden Pest Control
Growing a garden is a lot of work, gardeners go to great lengths to ensure their soil is healthy and to prevent plant diseases. But one of the biggest problems can be stopping pests from using your plants as their own personal buffet! Gardens are vulnerable to a wide range of pests including rabbits, voles, beetles, greenfly and aphids, slugs and snails. It is difficult to rid your garden of all these pests without resorting to harmful chemicals, but there are steps you can take to minimise the damage they do!

For larger pests, like squirrels and rabbits, there are a number of ways to keep your garden safe. The most obvious being good fencing, but building a fence can be expensive and difficult. Other options include having cats or dogs as pets, most smaller animals won't come close to your property if they smell dogs or cats.
There are also ranges of organic animal repellents available in DIY stores which are said to keep animals away without harming your plants. A low cost option worth trying is to spread cayenne pepper around the perimeter of your garden as most animals absolutely hate the stuff!
For insect problems in the garden, the best organic answer is actually attracting more insects! Problem insects like greenfly, beetles and ants all have natural predators which are classed by gardeners as beneficial insects, by attracting these beneficial insects, you can get rid off, or at least reduce the numbers of the insects that are ruining your plants. Beneficial insects can include Lacewings, Ground beetles and Lady Beetle larvae.
Another option is to add plant types to specifically deter certain pests, for example onions deter cabbage moths, aphids, weevils, carrot flies, rust flies, worms, and red spiders. Herbs like yarrow, citronella, mint, fennel, catnip, basil, and lemon grass also deter a wide range of garden pests. If all else fails, organic pesticides can be used that won't harm your plants.

Snails and slugs also have their own predators that can be attracted into your garden. Frogs and toads can do a good job for you vastly reducing the numbers of slugs and snails and all they ask in return is for you to create homes for them using fallen branches, piles of leaves or even creating a small pond. Planting berry trees and shrubs is another option as this will attract thrushes to your garden which are very effective slug killers!
If none of the above works for you or you are having serious pest problems in your garden, then it’s best to call in a professional pest control expert to advise you on the best way to eradicate the pest problem.
Last updated by MyJobQuote on 28th April 2016.